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In the process of launching hiscompany SpaceX, Musk would learn advanced levels of rocket science from his own personal study. In their book Connected, Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler conclude from years of research that our actions, attitudes, and behaviors not only influence those we act with directly, but also extend to people within three degrees. Twitter is struggling financially. In fact, each of thefour traits we've described above are only cultivated by those who have a certain amount of intensity. There has been some speculation that Musk has come under pressure from other Twitter shareholders and lenders to move on. Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Elon Musk has revealed the personal price he has had to pay to keep his business dreams alive. However, Musk does it in a healthy, constructive way. A railroad. One talented employee remarked that when deciding between working for Musk or for another more established company where he would be paid more, I wanted to throw caution and logic to the wind [and] work for the creative genius.12, Beyond creating a sense of focus and direction among employees, mission statements keep a company focused on its core competencies. "Being immersed can be defined as a state of focus in which a person is completely absorbed and engrossed in their work." We live in a highly distracting world. Ask yourself questions such as, How would I rate my leadership in the past 2-3months?, What could I have done better? and What can I do in future in order to perform at a higher level?. At age 12, he wrote a computer program to calculate trajectories for rockets. While Musks ability to fail may not separate him from his competitors, he differentiates himself with his ability to remain optimistic and wholeheartedly convinced that he will succeed. Inspiring leaders set the example for their employees through consistent hard work and adherence to the companys core values.7. He understands the many challenges that lie ahead, but his commitment to making a difference in the world makes him determined to keep moving forward. All of his qualities and traits cannot be described in words. August 10, 2016. accessed November 23, 2017. https://www. Sign up for notifications from Insider! The way Elon Musk leads his various companies takes the old adage of shooting for the moon so that even if you miss, youll end up among the stars, from sage wisdom to literal direction. He may rethink stepping down, or even appoint someone only to sack them. Elon Musk believes that they still can produce great results with the high amount of energy they have and their dynamic leadership. His intrapersonal qualities are a major component of what makes Elon Musk a more outstanding type of leader, as he has the education and drive an authentic leader needs. After Ashley Vances book, this is the best piece of writing out there on the man behind Space X and Tesla. Musks childhood problem with bullies played a large role in developing his optimistic tendencies. Big ideas always come from small thinking. Relies on trusted individuals while showing ability to be an independent thinker and take risks in the face of uncertainty. This might be a little bit more difficult to do, but I think it's possible. Elon Musk's leadership qualities such as leading from the front, trusting teams, optimism and motivation. Here are five leadership qualities that make Musk an exceptional leader. 3. But can we describe why the SpaceX CEO is the way he is? But he wouldn't take no for an answer. Steve Jobs. This event makes him a charismatic leader. Elon Musk. References It is not a platform like Facebook or Instagram that can deliver billions of users to potential advertisers. Whats amazing about him is that he seems to believe that there is an innovation to solve every problem that arises. He received his first computer at 9 and by 12 had coded and sold a video game (Cole, 2021). He praised Elon Musk's ambition, revealed the traits and attitudes he looks for in people, and cautioned against becoming a VC just to get rich. The Harvard Business Review article, Like It or Not, You Are Always Leading by Example explains that all serious leaders recognize that their example has a continuous impact on their company. However, Musk does it in a healthy, constructive way. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. His passion for innovation helps him make correct decisions for his business and the future of humanity. It's natural to feel afraid when faced with new challenges, but understanding the danger of complacency can help employees overcome the fear and trepidation around failure. Leaders who are not afraid of taking a leap of faith in terms of creating a better world (Gavin, 2019). He really gives his all to what he does.This certainly cant be easy considering the failures his companies have faced. That is why our content will always be free, and we would be forever grateful to those who help make that possible. According to published work by Walumba and associates (2008) as discussed by Northouse (2019), the four components of authentic leadership are self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. What would differentiate you from your competitors? Musk, 46, has a worth of more than $20 billion and has said he is using his personal asset to build his new visions. Errol Musk was once tried and acquitted of manslaughter. Skip to document. ), Musk has been working to solve these growing problems for more than a decade.To paraphrase an amusing analogy I recently came across: While most industry leaders have been playing checkers, Musk has been playing StarCraft.But more than having a vision, leaders should clearly communicate that vision to their followers. From an early age, Elon Musk learned not to be afraid of hard work. Musk appears to have the giddy excitement of a schoolboy for the fields his companies drive forward. Elon Musk is Tesla Motors ' co-founder, CEO and brand architect, a firm devoted to the manufacture of inexpensive, mass-market electric vehicles, battery products and solar towers. Elon Musk is an American businessman. SpaceX almost went bankrupt. Business Insights Blog. The retail giant's tech wing also warned against sharing customer info with AI bots. Demonstrates perseverance in the face of adversity and to overcoming obstacles. Even if it was for 2%. In fact, there was a time during Tesla's infancy where a specific problem needed solving, so Musk would sleep under his desk and work 75-hour weeks until that problem was solved. 8. Why Data Privacy Is Still Important for You, Where Accounting Meets Crimefighting: A more exciting career option for accounting students. Jun 21, 2022 Relinquish CEO duties to a qualified candidate Accept an alternative leadership role that aligns with the expertise and time availability Restructure Tesla's board of directors without conflicts of interest or dependencies He is the co-founder of PayPal, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, and CEO and product architect at Tesla Motors (Cole, 2021). Leadership is not just a function of management as many perceive it; it is also work and example. They push people out, spiral out of control, or end up underperforming dramatically. Gavin, M. (2019b, December 10). While the post was prestigious and offered the benefits of extreme power at the highest level, recognizing that the job no longer aligned with Musks mission for sustainability and care for the environment meant that it was diametrically opposed to his objectives. NOW WATCH: Elon Musk says Tesla owners could make up to $30,000 a year turning their cars into 'robotaxis'. 4296: 7379, September 17, 2012, 74. http://web.a.ebscohost.com.erl.lib.byu.edu/ehost/detail/ detail?vid=0&sid=df621e06-0389-45e2-b57a-8dd06f53bd48%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=Jn NpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=79961724&db=buh. After the sale of PayPal, he had enough money to live more than comfortably several lifetimes over.And yet, he invested nearly all those funds into SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity. Elon Musk's leadership style is transformational since it focuses on innovation and achieving large scale goals. The truth is, if we are passionate - or find passion - in the work we're doing, work stops feeling like work. In 1992, Musk received a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania, which was his golden ticket into the United States (Cole, 2021). He is honest, hard-working, and a leader who has influenced many. Elon Musk is a billionaire and inventor who has reshaped the business world with his work in PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity. He attended private schools and had a tough time as he was severely bullied by his peers. I've known too many people who attempt to bring a certain amount of intensity to their work and burn out, break down or go too far. This focus has allowed Musk to perfect the art of getting into a "flow state," "the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity." Leadership: Theory and Practice. Authentic leadership has three components to its definition that I believe Elon Musk meets criteria for. There, he earned two degrees a Bachelor of Science in physics from the UPenn College of Arts and Sciences, and a Bachelor of Science in economics from the Wharton School of Business. Musk chose de facto mentors from a practically endless library of great leaders, like Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and of course, Nikolas Tesla. Musk is a longtime CEO who has never been afraid of risk. All he focused on was the task at hand. Guided by a strong sense of personal values has earned him/her great respect from staff, competitors, advisers, family and wider community. Biography.com. This flow state is only achieved when the person can perform undistracted by other, less-significant tasks. Let your vision guide you 2. Warren Buffett. The truth is, if we are passionate or find passion in the work we're doing, work stops feeling like work. In 2017, Musk resigned from his post with the White House Advisory Council over the United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. In Musk's version of optimism, he does everything possible to ensure that things work out for the best instead of relying on hope. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider This merged with Confinity to become Paypal. The couple had five more sons through IVF; twins in 2004, followed by triplets in 2006. Today, Musk is regarded as one of most revolutionary and visionary entrepreneurs of his generation. He wants to die on Mars. Things could get nasty.". But can we describe why Musk is the way he is? Do you stand firm in defence of your vision? 11 Duane Ireland, and Michael A. Hitt, Mission Statements: Importance, Challenge, and Recommendations for Development, Business Horizons, vol. Elon Musk is widely admired for visible entrepreneurship. Musk has taken out personal loans amounting to millions to keep his ventures afloat. Related: When It Comes to Investing, Do You Think Like Warren Buffett or Elon Musk? Visionary Leadership Elon Musk is an example of the visionary leader. As a teenager, the self-denoted low point of Musks manual labor career involved donning a hazmat suit to clean boilers at a lumber mill by shoveling steaming goop from the inside of a tunnel. We can also absentmindedly rattle off a stream of adjectives that describe him: innovator, leader, genius, visionary, futurist, entrepreneur. Being a perfectionist, he went to his professor and got them to change his score to a 100%. 2023 Leaderonomics Sdn. Elon Musk Leadership Assembles the Right Team. Elon Musk elon the leader teaching notes abstract introduction keep learning and stay curious be afraid to fail stay open to innovative ideas conclusion. 1. Musk posted the poll himself and has since responded interesting to a suggestion that fake accounts might have skewed the results. While Musks resume is pages long, this is the side of Elon Musk that can be easily seen through Google searches and records. He understands how to motivate people and create a collaborative working environment. Think of your own work-life and the way you go about your day-to-day tasks. Its long, but well worth the read! All he focused on was the task at hand. After all, it was Musk himself who said, If you read a lot of books and talk to a lot of people, you can learn almost anything. A good leader is equal parts confident in their own skills and curious about what others have to offer. Elon Musk's leadership style makes him unique and better than almost anyone. What's the point of doing that? He has used his skills to aid in the design of electric cars and even spaceships. His tremendous work ethic imbues him with credibility among his employees, who become inspired to put in longer hours because of their boss devotion to work. Now many of you will read this and think: Why? Randy Garn is a passionate entrepreneur, speaker, and, This Founder Started a Wellness Brand in Her Kitchen , Employees Are 45 Minutes More Productive Each Week, 61 Books Elon Musk Thinks You Should Read, A German Scientist Predicted That a Person Named 'Elon' Would Lead Humans to Mars. Had he been afraid of failure, two of the most recognizable companies in the United States may no longer exist. Musk has never been afraid to make bold decisions, even when it would have been easier for him to do nothing or settle for good enough. Musk was attracted by the possibilities brought about by the rise of the Internet and saw how it could potentially change the world. Musk once said, "I'd rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right.". Tesla Motors has a significant emphasis on producing environmentally friendly cars (Cole, 2021). Conclusion. 1. Finally I will identify two other leadership theories that best represent . The company was sold to eBay in 2002 and netted Musk US$180 million in the process. In encouraging the widespread use of clean energy, Musk wrote, Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport.If we clear a path to the creation of compelling electric vehicles, but then lay intellectual property landmines behind us to inhibit others, we are acting in a manner contrary to that goal. SpaceX was an idea, a very risky idea, that was successful against all expectations, but Elon Musk inspired many with his great ideas and made everyone look beyond. He's quite possibly a genius. Learn More Every Day with This 2023 CES-Honored Knowledge App. He is considered a visionary business leader who is advancing technology in areas such as space exploration and sustainable energy. Who Will Win? Northouse, P. G. (2018). When PayPal was sold to eBay, Musk began to focus on what he's best known for today: SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity. Do you have a strong belief in it? For example, one recent scholarly study conducted by Andrew Cooper indicates that a learning culture positively impacts organizational performance.3. Since his parents were divorced when he was only nine years old, Elon and his younger brother Kimbal were left much of the time to explore the world on their own. But any replacement will need to be able to steer Twitter back to calmer waters, with Musk remaining majority owner. How many opportunities are lost because of our fear of asking? Elon Musk is famously a workaholic - he boasts of working 120-hour weeks to keep production of the Tesla Model 3 on track - but since we met he seems to have been enjoying himself. Even if your personal vision isnt as revolutionary or world-changing as Musks, its important to have a goal that motivates you to do better and inspires your team to work together. You have two choices in life - to see the world as a pessimist, or . As a leader, having a vision and communicating it to your team can make a big difference in the success of your organization. Do what Musk did in the same situations: Read biographies and books about leaders you look up to. The initial question is always small, then the answers grow progressively bigger. Stefan Stern does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. April 21, 2017. accessed November 23, 2017. https://hbr.org/2016/10/like-it-or-notyou-are-always-leading-by-example?referral=03758&cm_vc=rr_item_page.top_right. PSYCH 485 | Lesson 12: Authentic Leadership https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2137573/modules/items/32271438. Leaders must be committed to doing the work necessary for the companys success before they will be able to get others to commit. Creates and turns vision into business realities. Mentors are invaluable when it comes to developing a leadership style. Whats remarkable about Musk is that he never lets it stop him from fighting through and progressing. What skill does he have that we can implement in our own leadership style? Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.Perhaps this is why investors have stuck with him despite Tesla Motors still operating on a loss and SpaceX rarely meeting its ambitious goals on time and within budget. That they still can produce great results with the high amount of intensity at hand:... To his professor and got them to change his score to a 100 % ; s leadership qualities as! The design of electric cars and even spaceships there is an innovation solve... Set the example for their employees through consistent hard work and adherence to the companys core values.7 be described words. 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elon musk leadership qualities

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