LG's Super+ Resolution function attempts to address upscaling picture issues by cleaning up the upscaled image.
The on screen options on the monitor are all … I can't change display resolution. Le téléviseur de Samsung est à la peine avec un bruit numérique, une pixellisation très visibles et rapidement agaçants.
I'm having a issue with the LG ips led 27mp59ht monitor. 1080p- Outputs 1080 lines of progressive video. On attend clairement mieux d’un modèle haut de gamme. It's stuck on 1280 x 1024 stretched wide even though within the pc the display is changed to 1920 x 1080. One interesting thing to note is that I noticed super resolution is DISABLED by default in 3D Mode, it is enabled at LOW by default for 2d mode, I wonder why LG chose to have super resolution disabled by default in 3D mode?
Sets the output resolution of the Component and HDMI video signal.
1080i- …
Its E81 series is the first monitor to use the technology. Super+ Resolution est une technologie déployée par LG dans certains écrans afin d'améliorer la netteté et le piqué des images. LG s’en sort toutefois haut la main avec une image plus douce et plus naturelle. Téléviseur LG Ultra HD 4K au meilleur rapport qualité/prix !
Resolution. Auto- If the HDMI OUT jack is connected to TV’s providing display information (EDID), automatically selects the resolution best suited to the connected TV. ( it can be enabled of course it's just that it's disabled by default) Livraison Offerte* - Retrait 1h en Magasin* - Garantie 2 ans* - SAV 7j/7
Super-resolution microscopy (SRM) bypasses the diffraction limit, a physical barrier that restricts the optical resolution to roughly 250 nm and was previously thought to be impenetrable. Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) is a new NVIDIA technology applied through GeForce Experience, which dramatically improves the detail and quality of any game that supports resolutions over 1920x1080.
Each time I reboot the pc the monitor tells me the current resolution and to change it to the recommend setting of 1920 x 1080 to configure within the pc.
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