And no – it’s not Harry Styles. Taylor Swift has opened up about what inspired Blank Space (Picture: YouTube) Taylor Swift has talked in detail about what inspired her hit song Blank Space. I could show you incredible things Magic, madness, heaven, sin Saw you there and I thought 'Oh, my God, look at that face!' 4:33. The red circle at 1:21 is an app fault and i didn't notice that until uploading the video. Thanks for watching MattyB’s cover of #BlankSpace by Taylor Swift! 13 to No. Taylor Swift plays her “serial dater” image to her advantage with “Blank Space,” a synth-pop anthem that the RIAA certified 8x platinum in July 2018.
MattyB is a big fan of Taylor Swift’s music and thought this song would make for a REALLY fun cover! Brendon Urie of Panic! (feat. As the song dethrones her previous hit, "Shake It Off", after four weeks atop the chart, Swift becomes the first woman in the Hot 100's 56-year history to succeed herself at the top spot.
Many thought Swift sang the line “the lonely Starbucks lovers” when in actual fact she sang the line “Got a … Lyrics to 'Blank Space' by Taylor Swift: Nice to meet you, where you been? Mix Taylor Swift - Blank Space Fz' Promise; 168 videos; 23,391,463 views; Last updated on May 6, 2018 ... Taylor Swift - Blank Space by Taylor Swift. 1. on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Taylor Swift - Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift(テイラー・スウィフト)の楽曲、Blank Space(ブランク・スペース)の歌詞と英歌詞カタカナ、YouTube動画や楽曲解説についてご紹介。 Blank Space(ブランク・スペース)ってどんな歌?この洋楽をカラオケで歌うためには?などを詳しく解説していきます。
Taylor Swift - 22 by Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift makes history when "Blank Space" blasts from No. "Blank Space" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift for her fifth studio album 1989 (2014). 4:04. New single ME! 4:02. At The Disco) available now. Special thanks to good friend Ivey Meeks for… Liked on YouTube: Taylor Swift - Blank Space (MattyBRaps & Ivey Meeks Cover) Hi BBoys & BGirls! The line in the lyrics of “Blank Space” in which Swift sings about having a long list of former lovers was initially misheard by many, including Swift’s own mother Andrea Swift.
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