At the top of app.spec.js we’re going to import the following from @vue/test-utils as well as our App component itself:

By default jest will catch any test files (searching recursively through folders) in your project that are named *.spec.js or *.test.js. # Testing Single-File Components with Jest An example project for this setup is available on GitHub. Jest is a test runner developed by Facebook, aiming to deliver a battery-included unit testing solution. で、jestの process.env.NODE_ENV については、 Jest will set process.env.NODE_ENV to 'test' if it’s not set to something else. Jest uses a custom resolver for imports in your tests, making it simple to mock any object outside of your test’s scope. You can use that in your configuration to conditionally setup only the compilation needed for Jest, e.g. For our case, we don’t even need this setup file, but let’s include it as it serves as an example on how to do it and it is はじめに 開発が進められている Vue.js 3.0 にて追加される、 Composition API を使った書き方を紹介します。 現在、 Vue.js 3.0.0 beta がリリースされており、こちらを使って実装してきます。 Composition APIとは はじめに You can use mocked imports with the rich Mock Functions API to spy on function calls with readable test syntax. You can learn more about. jest-setup.js This file could have any name you like, just make sure it is correctly specified in package.json.
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