It turns out this isn’t an overly tricky thing to do if you know what to search for. For this reason the # spec, or any of it subspecs, cannot be included in the # dependencies. Install Pods via .podspec? Otherwise it … Optional CocoaPod dependencies using Subspecs by Deon Botha • Dec 4, 2014. Several of our Kite Print SDK iOS customers have asked if the somewhat large (as in file size) PayPal SDK dependency could be optional when using our library as they had no need for it. podspec specification does not validate; CocoaPods/Podspec and *.framework; Git Push a Local PodSpec; Cocoapods podspec issue; Create podspec with static library # spec in the project where it is developed. For this reason the # @note The podspec directive is intended to include the dependencies of # a spec in the project where it is developed. Podspec Link Binary Library; Can we use :podspec link with dependencies in a podspec; Podspec subspec where the module name is not the same as the podspec name?
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