If you are using Jest, its powerful mocking system provides an elegent solution to this problem. Jest uses a custom resolver for imports in your tests, making it simple to mock any object outside of your test’s scope. Notice the inputValue watch function matches the state variable name. However, when that method is used in mounted() on the vue instance, it is not stubbed. Unit Testing Vue-Router.

mount和shallowMount的区别 mount是完整的渲染(推荐使用) shallowMount渲染的子组件是假的,也就是只mount了这一层.

I am testing a function, which switches displaying components. 使用vue test utils做单元测试.

Going along with my other examples here, my … ... dev babel-jest vue-jest and add the following to ... property and feed it into the options argument of the mount function provided by vue … Testing Vue components: a cheat sheet. It provides all necessary tooling for making easy to write unit test in a VueJS application. 和 mount 一样,创建一个包含被挂载和渲染的 Vue 组件的 Wrapper,只挂载一个组件而不渲染其子组件 (即保留它们的存根),这个方法可以保证你关心的组件在渲染时没有同时将其子组件渲染,避免了 子组件可能带来的副作用(比如Http请求等) Now that we’ve generated our Vue project with Jest, we can navigate to the tests/unit folder.

By convention, Vue will look it up in both properties and data state by using the watch function name, in this case inputValue, and since it will find it in data, it will add the watcher there.. See that a watch function takes the new value as a first parameter, and the old one as the second. Jest, on the other side, is the testing framework developed at Facebook, which makes testing a breeze, with awesome features such as: At the top of app.spec.js we’re going to import the following from @vue/test-utils as well as our App component itself: import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import App from './../../src/App.vue' I too am able to stub a method by passing it to the mount options. $ npm run serve Testing. vue-test-utils, the official VueJS testing library and based on avoriaz, is just around the corner. Vue.js and Vuetify unit testing with Jest. See example, the created() hook will only run once, so if you see the value change, you're seeing a brand new object. By default jest will catch any test files (searching recursively through folders) in your project that are named *.spec.js or *.test.js.

I am testing a function, which switches displaying components. When the key changes, vue regards it as a new component, so it will unmount the "old" component, and mount a "new" component. You can use mocked imports with the rich Mock Functions API to spy on function calls with readable test syntax.

To run the test from the command line: npm run test:unit It will run the unit tests and you should be able to see the following result:

Now you will see a pass check like in the below image. $ vue create testing-vue > Manually select features > Babel, Linter / Preformatter, Unit Testing > ESLint (your preference) > Lint on save > Jest > In dedicated config files $ cd testing-vue $ code . Now if we create another test in our vue app or if we update our existing tests, we need to re-run the test command again and again, by using watch mode jest automatically re-run the tests if something has changed in the test files.. Open your package.json file and replace your test:unit script with below script. I'm assuming this is because mount() (from your library, not to be confused with mounted() from Vue) first creates the vue instance and mounted() gets called before stubbing can happen. I faced a problem with my jest+enzyme mount() testing.

@EddYerburgh is indeed doing a very good job creating it. Watch mode. There is another type mount( ), which does similar thing but it would also mount the child components.

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