is(): This method takes in a second object as a parameter, and determines if both the objects are equal and return a Boolean value. Objects, in JavaScript, is it’s most important data-type and forms the building blocks for modern JavaScript.

Here, we don't create class to get the object. The window object represents an open window in a browser. Fatal errors happen when you attempt to do string operations on an object (or vice versa), and Lodash provides tremendous value around preventing those errors. Any JavaScript object can be stringified (converted to a string) with the JavaScript function JSON.stringify(): var person = {name:"John", age:30, city:"New York"}; var myString = JSON.stringify(person); myString is now a JavaScript string, ready to be displayed: Example. For example: car, pen, bike, chair, glass, keyboard, monitor etc.

ECMAScript 2015.

Is there any way I can check the type of the object to see if it is a String, JSON object or JSON …

Methods allow objects to “act” like object.doSomething().

JavaScript Objects. – …

If a document contain frames (