Hi All, I'm looking for some code that will do the following If Cell contains "Balanced" then replaced with "Balanced" If Cell contains "Cautious" then replaced with "Cautious" If Cell contains "Distribution" then replaced with "Distribution" etc Range is B2:L2 can anybody help? Dim cell As Range Dim start_str As Integer Set rng = Selection For Each cell In rng start_str = InStr(cell.Value, "PROVISIONAL SUM") If start_str Then ActiveRow.Select End If start_str = InStr(cell.Value, "PROVISIONAL QUANTITY") If start_str Then … Excel VBA Select Cell. Finally it copies the values to the original range. So in order to access the VBA MATCH function, we need to use the property “WorksheetFunction” first. Range(“A45”).Value = Range(“A42”).Value One thing we should always remember the Instr function is case sensitive.

I do not need the loop help, just the cell instr... part and getting Variable2 to be the same as Variable1 without the hypen. Let us look at some examples on how to implement this. What happens if the value is not found? It will only work with singular cells. The point is, though, that we can manipulate the cells on a spreadsheet by using just a number from our loop and the Cells property. If it cannot find the string inside the parent string then it returns 0. When those pages are printed I want the word "Western" to appear in page header. Cells(StartNumber, StartNumber).Value = StartNumber. We can use Cell or Range Object to refer a Worksheet Cell. In VBA selection is done by a keyword method statement known as SELECT statement, select statement is used with the range property method to make any selection, now to select any particular cell we will still use the range property method with the select statement and the cell reference.. The above code will get us a diagonal line form cell A1 to cell E5, which each cell filled with the numbers 1 to 5. The InStr function can return the following values: If string1 is "" - InStr returns 0

How can I put a value from a cell into a footer or page header? In this example, we will look for a value in the name column. The syntax of the InStr function is: InStr( [Start], String1, String2, [Compare]) Where the function arguments are:

The above code will get us a diagonal line form cell A1 to cell E5, which each cell filled with the numbers 1 to 5. Get Data from Worksheet Cell – An Example of using Cell Object. Using value, you can store the value in a cell within a variable, or copy the exact value of that cell into another cell. Return Value: A Range object that represents the first cell where the data was found. For Each cell in Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10") If cell.Value < .001 Then cell.Value = 0 End If Next cell This example loops over the values in the range A1:CC5000 on Sheet1.

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