Guava's Maven group ID is, and its artifact ID is guava.
My goal is rather simple. com.github.ben-manes.caffeine. Report A Vulnerability GitHub Search. Official search of Maven Central Repository . 1 - 1 of 1 . The Central Repository Quick Stats Who is Sonatype? Guava provides two different "flavors": one for use on a (Java 8+) JRE and one for use on Android or Java 7 or by any library that wants to be compatible with either of those. Maven artifact version / Guava Maven Parent / Get informed about new snapshots or releases. I'm trying to add Guava to a module but somehow the reference is not resolved. Javadoc. The Search Engine for The Central Repository. 23.1-jre; 23.1-android; JDiff. collect: Fixed #2962
Android's project has a different project structure from Java EE/Web projects. To temporarily reenable support, set the guava.gwt.emergency_reenable_rpc system property to true.
So devs that aren't aware of Gradle/did not get in touch with Android apps don't … Maven Central Repository Search ... Items per page: 20. Guava for Android is lacking classes that are provided in Guava for the JRE (notably around support for Java 8 in the immutable collections). Adding Guava to your build. I am new to Android Studio. These flavors are specified in the Maven … (5214a10) This is the only breaking change in this release, and it affects only users of the guava-gwt artifact, not people who use only the guava artifact. - and unfortunately, it has not helped me. Without auto-import you have to tell IntelliJ to manually resolve the pom.xml changes.. Make sure you are not overriding the … Until now, Apache Maven can be used on simple Java EE projects without being a pain in the ass if you already know the forced conventions. Guava's Maven group ID is and its artifact ID is guava. guava 1.0.0-beta7 (3) 13-May-2020 open_in_new. Guava provides two different "flavors": one for use on a (Java 8+) JRE and one for use on Android or Java 7 or by any library that wants to be compatible with either of those. Maven artifact version / Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java / Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include utility classes, google's collections, io classes, and much much more. New policy: For the indefinite future, we won't remove APIs (except those annotated @Beta). In some simple cases, everything Just Works: If all dependencies in a project request JRE versions of Guava, then the project gets that version at runtime, and they're all happy.
These flavors are specified in the Maven version field as either 29.0-jre or 29.0-android.
Trying to use Maven on Android's project just feels unnatural, the tool was not prepared to provide flexibility. We expect this problem to go away with Guava 23.6, which will change to a different Checker Framework dependency.
Adding Guava to your build. close search Group ID Artifact ID Latest Version Updated OSS Index Download; org.nd4j. Guava provides two different "flavors": one for use on a (Java 8+) JRE and one for use on Android or Java 7 or by any library that wants to be compatible with either of those. You can find the Android Guava source in the android directory. Guava's Maven group ID is and its artifact ID is guava. Group ID Artifact ID Latest Version Updated Download 23.2-android; JDiff. The two are not interchangeable. ; FYI: This release is the first since our move to more frequent releases. To fix it, upgrade maven-plugin-plugin to 3.5. 23.2-jre vs. 23.1-jre; 23.2-android vs. 23.1-android; 23.2-android vs. 23.2-jre; Changelog. guava 29.0-jre (96) 13-Apr-2020 open_in_new.
This release contains no changes that break binary compatibility for any users. base: Deprecated built-in CharMatchers which cannot work as expected because the API does not support supplementary code points.
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