Borderlands 2 Golden Keys Incoming This weekend, we'll be handing out SHiFT codes that can be redeemed for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2 on the Borderlands Facebook and Gearbox Software Twitter ! What is a Golden Key? Borderlands 2 was launched in 2012 and since then Gearbox used to offer shift codes and users can avail these Borderlands 2 shift codes via Gearbox… PC - Creating a SHiFT Account in Borderlands 2; PC - Redeeming a SHiFT … With the release of Borderlands the Handsome Collection on Xbox One and Playstation 4 it became relevant again to post Shift Codes for the game. Opening this Chest will reward you with very rare loot scaled to your current level! Without SHiFT there’d be no … By using these Golden Keys on a Golden Chest you will receive some epic loot. SHiFT Security Notice; SHiFT - Borderlands 2. SHiFT Codes are special day promotional codes released by Gearbox Software and other sources, some of which only are active for a few hours. Golden Keys are exclusive in-game items that can be used to open the special Golden Key Loot Chest on Sanctuary 3 and obtain rare loot. You will not be able to use Borderlands 2 keys … These credentials don't match our records. By entering your Shift Keys, you will be rewarded with a special Golden Key, used to unlock the Golden Chest found in Sanctuary III. 442K likes. New codes are added on a frequent basis. A wide array of codes to unlock golden keys and different skins is available but Gearbox is continuously adding new codes. XBox SHiFT Codes . Want a stater pack for your wild adventure in Borderlands 3? Borderlands 2 AND Borderlands The Pre-Sequel! Microsoft's XBox platform is a staple in console gaming and amung the most popular. A golden key is consumed every time you open the Golden Mysterious Loot Chest, and your golden key amount is saved across all of your characters.
Borderlands 2 SHiFT codes are provided by Gearbox Software and function as loyalty rewards for the Borderlands community. Every Borderlands title to date has been released on the platform and had SHiFT Codes published for them. Because the loot that spawns inside these golden chests is always of a high rarity. SHiFT Service Status; What is SHiFT? What is a Golden Key? Support; Privacy; Terms; Cookies; Do not sell my info © 2020 Gearbox Software, LLC. We'll be posting five sets of codes across 24 hours, specifically: These SHiFT codes are provided by Gearbox Software and function as loyalty rewards for the Borderlands community. Borderlands 3 has a free shift codes for everyone! Shift Codes Fan page and Support page for BL2 Shift Codes Mobile App
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