; Android (Google Play) iOS (iTunes) Free Trial iOS; Smule. This is the place for you! Refunds. Jeff started Smule in June of 2008 with a vision to bring music back to its roots as a creative, participatory medium.
I do not recognize any purchases from GOOGLE * Smule Inc, I request the reversion Thank you 08-05-2017 GOOGLE *liweiguo 16.837 13-05-2017 GOOGLE *Smule Inc 227.543 15-05-2017 GOOGLE *liweiguo 16.956! If you subscribed to the services (Anywhere Access Pack or Productivity Pack, et al.) Not funny huh? But I want to terminate the subscription too. Every month 40 people come here by typing google smule inc or similar terms. What is GOOGLE SMULE INC G CO PAYHELP GBR? Smule creates music-making apps that connect people: Smule, AutoRap, Magic Piano, Guitar!, I Am T-Pain, Ocarina, and more. via the Google Play Store (from the Android mobile devices), you only can unsubscribe the services from there.
Comments. GOOGLE SMULE INC G CO PAYHELP GBR credit charge is the number 5633 in our database. The bank statement clearly shows that the money was debited by Google/ Smule has customer support.
GOOGLE SMULE INC G CO PAYHELP GBR has been in the DB for a while, it is the number 7066. How do I disable auto-renewal and/or recurring charges . It comes from Pakistan . There are 4050 searches per month from people that come from terms like google smule inc … So if I get them the GPA transaction number from play store, I can get refund. Karaoke" It is a monthly subscription. There are 30 searches per month from people that come from terms like smule inc google or similar. also appears on statements as. GOOGLE SMULE INC G CO PAYHELP GBR has been in the DB for a while, it is the number 5633. It did respond saying I have no active subscription. Billing and Charges. Download for iOS and Android. How can I get a refund? For the past twenty-six years, Jeff has led businesses he co-founded, including Envoy (acquired by Novell '92), Tumbleweed (NASDAQ IPO '99), Simplify Media (acquired by Google '10), and Smule. 0. The charge comes from a fraudulent company transaction in Lesotho. GOOGLE *SMULE INC GOOGLE.COM/CH has appeared on my credit card with my consent for an app downloaded to my android phone called "Sing! chkcardgoogle *line corp gb google *smule inc; checkcard google *line corp gb google *smule inc Contact your bank.. 18 May 2017. It comes from Rwanda . Here we have summarized the related information about the "unsubscription procedures" on the Google Play Store. Have a question about your recurring charges, payments, or other billing inquiries? Since #Googleplaystore has no active customer support , I … To cancel a subscription, contact Smule Inc. and ask them to cancel the subscription. Google *smule inc gb 0000 £1.99 Google *line corp gb 0000 £3.46 Google *line corp gb 0000 £1.15 google *smule inc Google *smule inc gb 0000 £1.99 These payments started being taken from my account in april
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