Flexbox is a CSS layout module that makes the creation of fully flexible user interfaces possible.

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Search This is the search page. flex-shrink flex-grow: Numeric value that determines how a child element should grow or shrink. Set the basis value to define the default size of an element before flex grow or flex shrink come into play. At least it will be when cross-browser support catches up. flex-direction; flex-wrap; Note: If the elements are not flexible items, the flex-flow property has no effect.

Flexbox is an ideal choice for several typical CSS tasks and … If set to Auto, the default size of a flex child will be based on its width or height (if set) or its content. The flexbox specification is still a draft and subject to change, so keep your eyes on the W3C, but it is part of a new arsenal of properties that will revolutionize how we lay out pages. The flex-flow property is a shorthand property for:. An item with a greater flex-grow value will be given more of the available space in proportion when growing, and with a greater flex-shrink value more will be removed when shrinking.

The flexible box layout module — or “flexbox,” to use its popular nickname — is an interesting part of the W3C Working Draft. Examples: 1 1 auto, 0 0 auto, 0 0 200px.

The flex-grow and flex-shrink values can be any positive value. flex: Combination of flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis rolled into a single attribute.

It offers an easy-to-use alternative to floats and a couple of jQuery plugins such as image gallery libraries as well. See the Pen Smashing Guide to Layout: flex properties by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

Definition and Usage. You can set this to a specific dimension (e.g., 20%, 250px, etc.) or Auto.

Or browse the following list of all the features available.

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