Goto Dashboard > Setting > WP gallery metabox and check post or custom post type for add gallary metabox. Here, we consider how to add metaboxes to the new custom post type user interface. Home / Blog / Guide / Case Study / How to Add Related Posts to WordPress Using Meta Box News or e-commerce websites, which have multiple blog posts or products, usually need Related Posts . 描述. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. / Add a Metabox to Your Custom Post Type Screen. But i am asking about how to show metabox to my own custom sidebar in all the posts. add_meta_box() 函数是在 WordPress 2.5 添加的,用来给插件开发者添加 Meta模块 到管理界面。 用法 Adding related posts to your posts brings some advantages of SEO and user experience. Custom post types is a new and powerful feature in WordPress 3.0. This is my code in my functions.php: The code below adds a metabox … You can now edit a draft post and add a Meta Block to the post. Goto dashboard > plugin > Add New > select file. In the next example, you’ll create a single meta box using the add_meta_box() WordPress function. You will see your field that you can type a value in. Say, for example, you’re creating a website for a client that needs to display nutritional information alongside products in a store (as we’ll be exploring in this post). Upload wp-gallery-metabox to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. In this case, we will create a custom URL for users to access and see the information we want to display. But i want to add a metabox for an event as an example as per shown here I got as far as adding the metabox and getting the datepicker to work but other than that im struggling to get the data saved to the post. OR. Home / Blog / Guide / Easy Way to Add Custom Fields in WordPress Without Plugins In the previous post, we have learned the basic concepts of custom fields and its applications. Home / Blog / Guide / How to Create a Virtual Page in WordPress When building websites, sometimes we need to display custom data in the database, which is not a post, page or a custom post type . I'm creating a meta box for my custom post type. If any user using add_meta_box() then by default it gets displayed under Document sidebar. It only takes a minute to sign up. When you save the post, either as a draft or published, the post meta value will be saved too. By default gutenberg already have its own sidebar ( Document and Blocks ). To add a meta box to the any post type editing screen, the add_meta_box() is used and subsequently hooked to the add_meta_boxes action. In the above code snippet, you added the smashing_add_post_meta_boxes() function to the add_meta_boxes hook. There are three general classes of metaboxes that we may add to our custom post type … There are multiple fields where I would like to use wysiwyg editor rather than