Reformat the flash drive and reload the Ubuntu ISO from an application for making a live USB. There are a lot of methods in Linux that can be used to re-install a broken grub, some can involve the ability to work and restore the boot loader by using the Linux command line and others are fairly simple and implies booting the hardware with a Linux live CD and using the GUI indications to repair the damaged boot loader.

Boot Multiple ISO from USB via Grub2 using Linux Boot ISO Files directly from USB using Grub2 from Linux. Bad USB flash drive. Get a Live USB stick. In Disk Management is Disk 2, we will remember number 2 here. Mount the root partition by typing /mnt and boot to /mnt/boot and hit enter. sudo grub-install –root-directory=/mnt –boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda]

I've successfully installed Ubuntu 20.04 onto a 64GB USB stick, as I only intend to use it occasionally, while having Windows 10 installed on my laptop's SSD. Looking at the USB drive on my trusty Ubuntu 19.10 desktop, the /boot folder has two sub folders, /efi, which is empty and /grub which has sundry files in it.

How to Repair, Restore, or Reinstall Grub 2 with a Ubuntu Live CD or USB. To make Ubuntu control the boot process, you need Reinstall (Repair/Restore) Grub using a Ubuntu Live CD.

Boot into Ubuntu on a borrowed machine or from an internet cafe Use tools installed by default on the USB stick to repair or fix a broken configuration Creating a bootable Ubuntu USB stick from Microsoft Windows is very simple and we’re going to cover the process in the next few steps.

In this case the GRUB bootloader can do the job directly, without the need of an initial Linux system. Here is one way to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive from a running Ubuntu … I will prefer the Ubuntu Live USB stick. Run diskmgmt.msc to open Disk Management..

Ubuntu will boot after making the Ubuntu live USB on a different USB flash drive.

I set the Device for boot loader installation as /dev/sdb as per the guide. Open terminal after booting up into the live desktop. Inside of the BIOS area for the Ubuntu USB live disk, look for the boot order.

Method 2 To Rescue Grub.

cd /d C:\grub-2.02-for-windows; Check the number of hard disk you will install, be it USB or HDD. Run Command Prompt under Admin and go to the grub-2.02-for-windows directory that you extracted above.

Grub 2 typically gets overridden when you install Windows or another Operating System. ; Grub2 for Windows supports installation …

Resetting Grub Bootloader using a Ubuntu Live USB drive This is a command-line way of restoring the grub.

Here I will install Grub2 for USB. The easiest way to boot from a USB Drive is to boot via GRUB. If “Terminal” is not your cup of tea, I suggest you check the graphical user interface way by using Grub … In the boot order area, configure it so that the USB stick is set to load first.

We have a guide to reinstalling the GRUB2 boot loader on Ubuntu , either with a graphical Boot Repair tool or by using standard Linux terminal commands. This procedure has been successfully tested on an Ubuntu 16.04 server edition with the Grub boot loader damaged.

However, this tutorial will only cover Ubuntu server GRUB rescue procedure, although the same procedure can be successfully applied on any Ubuntu system or … It's worth a try if you have two or more USB flash drives. [e.g. This could even be a new flash drive which I assume to be not corrupted. With the boot order changed in your PC’s BIOS, press the F10 key to exit and save the changes.

Boot into the USB drive and use the the Linux system to repair GRUB. Note: If the computer was made between 2002 and 2005, it may contain USB drivers, but not an option to boot from USB. Booting via GRUB.

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