An API application is a trimmed-down version of standard Rails application without any of the unnecessary middleware, such as .erb views, helpers, and assets. An API version is determined by an incoming client request and may either be based on the request URL or on the request headers. Use rails new new_app --api to create a new app. What’s next In the next couple of guides, we’re going to build out the registration controller, the registration routes, and then we’re also gonna add a couple more pretty cool routes that allow the front-end application to check to see if a user is logged in on each page load. Enter Serializer, the gem that allows us to format our JSON without having to lift a finger on the … And with all of that in place, we have a working sessions controller for our Rails API! Use this controller to expose your APIs. API versioning with Ruby on Rails: What Are the Best Approaches and Which Ruby on Rails Gems to Pick for API Versioning. Alexey Suhoviy . 2. This article describes how to build API only Rails application using new Rails 5 --api option. Any time an API client wants to interact with an API (e.g. Use rails g controller
Web Developer. 4 min read. Creating Your First Rails REST API. API versioning helps alter an API’s behavior for different clients. Most services these days who offer an API do so through a RESTful interface.
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