So how do you connect Read full article … Given its specs, Huawei P10 is highly capable of streaming high definition media. Reviews are mainly positive and people are acquiring the model in higher and higher numbers. Your screen should automatically be mirrored on the TV, allowing you to share video, play games or just show your friends the latest cute cat pictures on Reddit. Using a standard HDMI cable, join the adapter to the HDMI port connected to your TV Then set your television to display video images via the HDMI port and the TV will then mirror your phone. You would be able to test it on your Huawei P10 Lite before buying it. Just plug an HDMI cable into your TV and the other end into the adapter, then connect the USB-C plug to your P10 or P10 Plus. ここはHUAWEIから2017年6月9日(金曜日)に発売のSIMフリースマートフォン HUAWEI P10 lite(Kirin搭載機初のau VoLTE対応)、P10、P10 plusに関するいろいろな情報をまとめているWikiです。 ご覧いただき感謝いたします。 Make sure you have access to an HDMI port on your Huawei P10 Lite before buying or using such a connection.

But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. The most common alternative to connecting your Huawei P10 Lite to your TV is using an HDMI cable. Use an HDMI cable to connect your Huawei P10 Lite to your TV. Huawei screen mirroring Huawei P10 and P10 Plus have been catching quite a nice share of the smartphone market since their release. The Huawei P10 is without a doubt an excellent smartphone.

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