| The Free Dictionary Nice meeting you. Other ways to say NICE TO MEET YOU: Formal and Informal: 1) It’s very nice to meet you 2) Nice to meet you too 3) Lovely to meet you. It was lovely meeting you! I grew up in America, and when someone says "nice to meet you", I always answer with, "And you, as well." At a first encounter, I think "It is nice to meet you" is more common than "It is nice meeting you".

ですよね。 そう。でも、よく似た挨拶に Nice meeting you. It’s been a pleasure meeting you! How wonderful to meet you!

が正しいです。 Nice meeting you. "How do you do", although always correct, would only embarrass the other person. Adding that "e-" is meaningless. I’ve enjoyed meeting you! 初対面の人と挨拶するとき、英語で「はじめまして」は何と言えば良いでしょう? Nice to meet you.

The best is meet the greeting with the same response - If the other person said, "Nice to meet you", respond with "Nice to meet you, too." (Said when leaving someone whose acquaintance you have just made.) 英語が得意な方に質問です。 Nice meeting you.と言われたとき、 何て返せばいいんでしょうか…? Nice meet you.だったらNice meet you tooのように、 答え方はNice meeting you tooになりますか? 誰か、教えてく… At the end of that encounter, I think "It was nice meeting you" and "It was nice to meet you" are pretty much the same. Either phrase is better than saying, "It's nice to meet you too." : It is nice to have met you. "Likewise" sounds as if you fancy yourself superior to the other. It was nice talking to you! You are saying the same thing as "nice to meet you" but adding an extra syllable for the sake of clarifying that you are meeting "electronically" -- an unwarranted step because the medium itself clarifies that the introduction is happening electronically. It was nice to have met you! Overall, there's never a dull moment watching this drama and I believe they wrapped everything up in the end. It is fun talking to you! It was nice meeting you! Or if you want to be particularly friendly, you can say, "No, my pleasure." 5) I’ve heard great things about you. Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to … But even if you're not, it is still a good watch as it offers you some life lessons along the way (which is for you to find out *winks*) PS. It’s a pleasure to meet you! があるけど、違いはわかる? to meet と meeting が違いますね。意味にも違いがあるんですか? うん。今回は英語の挨拶 … Mark Twain said writers should "eschew surplusage. "Communicate whatever is necessary and trim the rest. I had a great time! I'm sure that you don't; after all, this is why you asked. If someone tells me "nice to meet you" and I think it was a nice meeting, what should I reply?.

It is fun chatting with you!

"As well" sounds classier than "Also" in every context. Definitely recommended if you're a sucker for romance like me.

4) It’s great connecting with you. I had a great meeting! Re: It was nice to meet you or it was nice meeting you?

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