what happened to rock river armssonisphere 2022 lineup

After further review, Rock River Arms, Inc. (RRA) is immediately severing all ties with the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association (IFMA). So, youre not buying a bunch of Springfields new pistols? I asked one. you cant fix prices or youll get a shortage. Glad I waited. Helps to have the older experience but not insurmountable. When I found out that they hire Vets to assemble and test them, it was icing on the cake and I got one for low $400s. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Rock Rivers LAR-15 NSP CAR is a lightweight, reliable, well-made and accurate AR carbine that is ready for duty right out of The LAR-15 X-Series X-1 Rifle in .223/5.56mm from Rock River Arms is available at a manufacturer suggested retail price of $1,450.00 and $1,500.00, depending on the stock and color option (Black and Tan). A corrupt Illinois politician. IF WE LOSE RRA BECAUSE OF THIS HYSTERICAL REACTION, thats a blow to liberty. What flavor is it, and how much do you want? Thankfully, many of the downstate Dems are staunchly pro-gun. Ive spoken with a couple of bigger dealers in Illinois in the past 24 hours. Out of stock Compare. Most places, its still over $1500. Its real easy for you people to bash a company when you dont own shit. Springfield makes decent guns but there are others out there. Because of rumors of canceled orders. Nobody moves a company to New York (Remington has moved most out). If you do a little digging, you will find they were importing 1911s from Brazil in the early days too. Olympic Arms continued this legacy with its OA-93, OA-96 and OA-98 models. CTD does our best to price our products at market value. Better sell that RRA while you still can. My sprinters were not seeing much action lately. Not now. To whom will they sell? I sent an email and their response was the parts were out of stock. RRA is pretty close to Iowa iirc. You probably also found out that at least bizapedia reports that the IFMA was dissolved. * How to order a firearm: See The Guide. It is the fault of the people in Illinois. WebProduct Description. Smith and Ruger more than compensated for erroneous thinking. Out of stock. Id bet a bunch of employees would jump at the chance go move from IL to TN or MO or TX. You would answer your own question if you noticed my opening remark: Ruger was making superior quality products using totally American resources. and thats where the idea of 10 round limit for magazines originated,right from the mouth of Bill Ruger. Great grip and trigger. The bills author was (mostly) Rugers attorneys. 84283412342. Ruger sold us out on the 94 AWB and it is well documented. If it is a 16" it is 5.56, which the Entry Tactical is. The ATH V2 comes with an 18-inch, stainless steel, How does a company respond to pernicious laws and an atmosphere which is detrimental to the People of the Gun? That was just a small part of the problem. Its not just selling, genius. I think probably not. Frankly, Im wondering how Im going to sell my existing inventory.. Illinois gun owners should pack up and move across the Mississippi to Missouri. That is their only 2 clients because it only exists and was created for them. Hinterland #: 50977; MFG #: MT1800X; In stock. Glad I happened upon this article. These two companies MUST be boycotted into bankruptcy. Maybe worst of all, passage gives anti-gunners a win they desperately needed. Overall, this is a good, solid rifle. ), I DO have a choice with firearms. So many good options, why buy from jackasses. Well, now. thats what matter and they put that last. How does what a lobbying group receives from a company 3 years ago translate to what the lobbying group does in the present? Springfield is DEAD to me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Good for them, too. RRA donated money as well I think they knew about stuff going on, but want to pretend they did not. WebA similar thing happened with Yeti and the NRA, where Yeti ended their NRA-specific discount program but included them in a broader discount program. Watch the TonyBen videos on YouTube. (3) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Tactical CAR A4 223 Remington/5.56 NATO Carbine $ 684.99. I have an SA Profesional that I really like and was strongly considering a Custom Carry, but this turn of events gives me a real pause to that idea. My target is when my oldest daughter graduates from high school. If you want to scope your BM 59, there is a company that makes a direct over the bore scope kit for Garands that fits the BM59. I wont name them, but the sales people at certain companies worked hard (and maybe even fudged some dates on paperwork) to make sure that I got my magazines before the deadline in the law hit. So how is screwing your loyal customer base and flipping them the bird to their faces sound business policy? This says a lot about the people running the company. Under no circumstances would they sell me any magazines. Illinois cant shut down a business that way No there is no way around it, RRA and Springfield decided their Illinois customers where not worth the trouble. S&W was sold for 12% of its former value. Its transfers. Oh yes, Illinois folks: start an ACTIVE campaign outing all the IL Representatives that voted for the bill. (And I can guarantee he would never speak to me like that in person.). The owners at S&W that colluded with Clinton paid the price for it. And the law mainly affecting small businesses, thats a feature, I think, not a bug. It doesnt have to be both for the same reason. I think that if gun owners boycotted every company into oblivion that had to compromise at some point there wouldnt be any gun manufacturers around. And Im not giving them up, to anybody, under any circumstances. As I said on Thursday, when it comes to RRA I was, and still am, unsure if they had any foreknowledge of what was about to occur. Now I wish I had not. CTD is my last choice. First, they co-opt the name of a famous military armory to start a business with absolutely no ties to the original Springfield. What would you have done differently if you ran SA or RRA with a workforce that is similarly trapped in soviet Illinois and depends on your company staying open and profitable to keep their jobs? The company was founded in 1996 by brothers Mark and Lynne Zanders. That alone is enough to put them out of business. Thats bad math and bad leadership. We there the courts kill the law or the governor vetoes it, nothing changes the sellout by Springfield. Ive heard of them canceling orders. People Of The Gun have long memories. Many companies make mistakes, sometimes huge. Make the bill political kryptonite. And gun control wins, like this keep the gravy train flowing so they can continue to draw a paycheck and keep on going. So, if youre looking for a cheap AR-15, Rock And unbelievably stupid of Springfield. And yes, they are actually closer to Iowa than to Chicago. If Rauner is serious about re-election he will veto this flaming sack of shite. One of the few cases of sincere contrition. I dont think youre using that word right. Huh? Lots of work. IRS records have also been found that shows Reese is on the board of IFMA. Everyone here is minding our business, because its our business where our money goes. They did what they thought would keep the Criminal Clinton Administration from making a total all out war on guns. Screw CTD. An XD and its in .40? You wont be able to pull a fast one and expect to not get called out on it. +1, they are a bunch of liars praying on the ignorant. So, buying 5 and selling 4 is the limit. This just proves that point. Along with lost new sales, this boneheaded move will kill resale values. Any combination of buying or selling that exceeds 9 is a crime if youre not a dealer. Its like saying Saturn is really, really big, and huge, too! The LWRC, DD and BCM are ALL over $1300. If you sell more than 9 guns per year, you are in the business of selling guns. Do you know how much the dealer bought them for? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28141995/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/illinois-has-long-legacy-public-corruption/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_state_and_local_politicians_convicted_of_crimes. Rock Bolt Gun Rbg-1s Starting At $4,450. And then maybe. An American voting for a Democrat Last trip to the range, ran a couple hundred rounds of all flavors through it without an FTE/FTF. But I wont EVER support a company who actively supports an infringement of any kind. Maybe they should look to Beretta. I see only three plausible reasons: 1) Greed millions are never enough. At the same time, Rock River Arms began to build AR-15 style rifles. Rock River Arms also produces M1911 pattern pistols, bolt-action rifles, and AR-15 style pistols in assorted calibers. [5] [6] Even if its expensive, SA is in a better position to pay the fee than Hank and Ethels gun shop. Wrong. Today, we have nearly one dozen gun control groups working in Illinois. I thought it was great that they were living in the same liberal hell hole that I was living in. Meanwhile, theres another, ahem, firearm blog, that refuses to address the SA/RRA issue. Hislobbyist will continue to fight and protect dealers and gun owners? Nothing unethical about this practice. In the end, the timing proved fortuitous to all involved. Your Price: $744.13. The firearms community will be better without them. Not saying you have to like what happened, but its soviet Illinois, it was going to happen with or without their opposition. I have to say this really makes me mad. We picked up a few seats last fall, but that simply moved the average ideology of the Dem members further left in our state legislature. Rock Solid: Rock River Arms NSP CAR Rifle. More recently, they do this big Saint countdown/reveal that just ends up being Another Entry-Level AR-15, just what the market needed. This story is libel. Yes, a company can move and thrive, as it only a matter of time before the cutout is removed and they are closed down. WebRock River Arms LAR-15 Fred Eichler Predator 223 Remington/5.56 NATO AR15 Semi Auto Rifle $ Remove from Compare Add to Compare. From what I gathered from this article and all the information I viewed about this organization its hard to say just how much control SA and RRA has over the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association. Have you not been following this story? But when you have a muti million dollar company thats set up in a state thats you cant just pick up and move then you do what you have to do to survive. Ruger was making superior quality products using totally American resources. Have been eyeballing the SA Saint the last couple weeks. They mustve been channeling Bill Ruger. I have talked to people in person in TN that were overjoyed at having Beretta move there. Who the hell made this business decision and have they been fired yet? After the backlash he closed down the store and retired. Perhaps a company thought they could pull a fast one and nobody would notice. Very close to where I grew up. I think it was meant to be used with gloves on only. An American didnt screw all other American gun-owners. In order to try to get a lock on about 1.6 million FOID holders in Illinois, Springfield has angered the other 80 million gun owners in the rest of the nation. I was just about to purchase a 1911 with the deal Springfield is running this week. Id say they are a step above most other production 1911s. Both Ruger and S&W learned from their mistakes, I do not know if these two can. Now for 2022, the company ups the game for hunters with the introduction of the All-Terrain Hunter (ATH) , a mid-length rifle that stands tall in the field of AR-platform hunting rifles. Its called doing business. I made the move to northwest Indiana 20 years ago. Antifa is showing what they are willing to do, watch their fellow komrad take a LEO beanbag round to the wang and keep marching. You write as though weve been asleep. Wasnt sold on DAO until I shot it. Dont know what will replace the EMP4 but I bet the TRP itch gets scratched by a Dan Wesson. Both are were on their way to selling over a quarter million of Springfield product this year. Beretta (ex-MD) and Remington (ex-NY) make your statements look foolish. Rock River Arms RRAGE Carbine LAR-15 with ATN Day/Night scope. Thanks a bunch pricks! Good for them. Had a Springfield 1911 that I sold late last year to fund another purchase and was thinking of replacing it with a TRP at some point guess this gives me all the excuses I needed to spend a few hundred more for a Dan Wesson or an STI. Such a thing exists. I would start negotiating with one of those for manufacturing space and move my entire operation to a gun-friendly climate. As the market changes so does our pricing. Good luck! I cant imagine the CEOs of those two companies werent in the loop on these negotiations. As a long-time, dedicated anti-gunner, this wasnt Senator Harmons first legislative rodeo. I would say that Ruger has done more to support the 2A than all other companies combined. Allexcept for gun owners and the non-big box store gun dealers who have to live and work in the Land of Lincoln. After the event I hadnt seen a shipping notification. My inventory of six XD pistols two 1911 .45s and two M 1As will be up for sale tommorow. Had it in the cart at buds ready to buy tomorrow and now it definitely is not going to happen. Rock River Arms sent me a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle with a tan stock and 24-inch barrel for testing. Probably hard now to sell it for half what you paid if at all. It weighs 10.2 pounds empty and is 43.5 inches long. Czech Republic makes good guns,like CZs. Those bastards. How is it that they even survived to change in the first place? The future for firearms manufacturers is less than certain due to falling demand and moving a 50year old corporation like SA out of state is a huge expenditure. Half of those are national groups out of Washington, D.C., that have set up shop inSpringfield hotels. They ignored it. Just to be clear, they are using the name of the original company of Springfield, but they are not located in the city of Springfield. The vocal retards who screamed about this conveniently ignored that last part. Neither will have the working capitol to sustain a relocation. In the end, the timing proved fortuitous to all involved.. Mostly out of states with onerous laws and heavy taxation. County fairs? Not everyone reads TTAG or keeps up with this sort of in the weeds stuff. Rock River booth at the NRA convention, owner Chuck Larson has professed innocence in the matter. Dont forget about the Ruger, Smith and Wesson sellout.. Do you rednecks and white trash go out of your way to get the their wrong every single time? They have no ethics. All have been accurate and reliable. AR-10-style rifles, the Rock River Arms LAR-8 stands alone. The Springfields looked to be a good value. The local ones are more like highway bandits than gun dealers. Obviously Springfield and others have not learned this lesson and are going down the same road. Not a smart move in a buyers market, or any really. is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. This new model is the latest in the growing line of rifles and pistols based on the RRAGE platform. Should have just stuck to the point that hey, you can do anything you want to our dealers as long as you leave us out of it. A CEO that listens to the customer. If youre looking begin your 3-Gun or short-stage PRS competition endeavors, the Rock River Arms RRAGE 2G may be your ticket. When Colorado banned high cap magazines magpul moved to Texas. Illinois acts like an evil, independant country when it comes to our Second Amendment rights, ignoring law and constantly jockeying for ways to squelch our right of self-protection through our right to bear arms. This Rock River PCC shows itself to be a well-engineered carbine ready to work (and look good doing it). Whats the hangup for SA? They hate freedom and absolutely love all powerful Government. They must be put out of business for their treachery. The Rock River Arms LAR-15 RRage 3G 5.56/.223 Rifle is a semi-auto rifle that delivers accurate shooting in a dependable platform with a clean, trim look. With support like that, who needs Everytown? In your opinion. But thats only a fraction of his treachery. That guy knows the M14 and M1a rifles. Find gray, black, tan, alpine and other finishes on these .223 Rem / 5.56mm, .450 Bushmaster or 6.8 SPC chambered rifles. Of course there will be others that benefit as well. Oh yes, the Senator behind the bill has many skeletons, http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/illinois-state-senator-don-harmon-law-firm-makes-millions-from-state-agencies-pension-funds-the-watchdogs-oak-park/. The Henry ri fle was made by the New Haven Ar ms Company. And if stooges like you thought this could be run under the table without anyone noticing, well, guess you should be mindful of your business in the next few quarters. The Ruger is berween $6-700. Damage done. I would sell the xd .45 and the xdm 9mm I already have but I dont think there is much of a market for them now. Up yours Springfield! The Illinois Manufacturers Association will continue to fight and protect not only manufacturers, but dealers and the gun owner as well.. Henry? And whats worse, if it passes, Bloomberg will attempt to duplicate this legislation in all 50 states. I am not positive, but didnt Beretta get so pissed with Maryland that they moved everything, or is it still on going? These lobbyists arent in business to protect gun owners or the Second Amendment. WebRock River Arms creates high quality rifles and pistols on the AR platform. FREE SHIPPING on orders over $90! WebRock River Arms is a firearms manufacturer that produces a variety of rifles, pistols, and parts for civilian, law enforcement, and military markets. Like other gun-manufacturers Springfield can move its operations to a gun-friendly state. Never bought anything Springfield Armory, never will! Robert, and we, the honest and dedicated advocates of the 2A and gun owners stand by TTAG in this. No offense meant, I was just pointing out that Springfield Armory has no connection to the city of Springfield Illinois. They use forged parts and at least the Chinese are honest to let you know where the parts come from (China) whereas with Springfield it is a toss-up where the parts are made (I heard from Taiwan, Canada, even the Czech Republic!!). Springfield for intention; RRA for negligence. They seemed like a freedom loving company that supported the right for people to do what they had rights to do. He kept his marginal Mini-14 from hitting the list, selling out the gun owner in the process! The CMMG MkW-15 XBE Anvil gets the top pick for enthusiasts that handload or shoot a lot. I just bought an EMP 3-inch. I have LOUDLY mentioned their treachery on the dozens of FB groups I belong to. Wasnt there big stink couple years ago about so called kitchen table FFLs not realy conducting business for living and just getting wholesale pricing on guns for themselves and their family members? But it will be history at my house. Two more companies added to my do not buy from list. If I was a competitor, Id print up ten thousand flyers announcing Springfields decision and carpet the show with them. Absolutely love them. Maybe there is a Mrs. Reese or someone or something burning cash on the side (gambling, drugs, who knows) that is consuming profit faster than SA can generate it. I am happy with my Polytech. Dennis Reeses statement to TTAGon IFMAs deal was insulting. Sadly, some of the collar county Repubs arent so much. It happens ALL THE TIME, and with companies much larger than RRA. Seems like a stand up guy to me. After further review, Rock River Arms, Inc. (RRA) is immediately severing all ties with the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association (IFMA). We feel that IFMAs integrity is compromised and we will not be a part of the organization. Its a freakin disaster. As an Illinois dealer, I will no longer stock, sell or support Rock River Arms or Springfield Armory products. The company makes a wide variety of weapons, Was going to purchase a TRP and was looking at RRA ar. But Illinois only has about 2.1m gun owners of 12m population thats fewer by a significant margin than the number of hard-core urban Dems in Chicago alone. All evidence to the contrary? Ruget supported the ban on high capacity (ie standard capacity) mags as it favored their line of sporting rifles like the mini-14. I read somewhere that there is a city named Springfield in almost every state in the Union. It may not even pass the House. Start by giving everyone involved a TSA-style probe. It will make my future purchases easier because two manufacturers are automatically removed from my search and consideration. Audits of the players, including the lobbyist and relevant politicians, and FOIAs or something for pending investigations against all the same could prove enlightening. Enjoy shooting it, and the second one if you buy one. All businesses are licensed at the state level. I live in Illinois. I wanted one with the threaded barrel and suppressor sights. I look at their site and the parts were available from the same warehouses at a higher price. If youve already implemented them, great. Post interesting results everywhere. Is there a list somewhere? Thanks for Nothing SA. No Springfield guns for me. How many model airplanes can I buy, sell or trade in one year? Are they doing town halls? They can spout their support of the 2A all day, just like Shannon Watts does, but its just words. (Im a 30 yr Vet). I was going to buy the Saint, seemed like a.nice rifle, now.they can piss up a rope. Does anyone really buy RRAs BS, We didnt know? Every damn one of you bad asses crying I wont buy from them again would have done the same thing. thats what Illinois is hoping for stand our ground, Springfield got me right in my Grip Zone with this move, bu-bye SA. Now Springfield will learn the hard way. Not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, but check out Fulton Armory: http://www.fulton-armory.com/M14-Rifles.aspx. Katrina gun confiscation showed us what any civil conflict will have as the belligerents, LEOs / Feds posing as LEOs giving you a hard choice.and a few Bundy-style standoffs. Its sad but it happens. Two companies provide the bulk of the funding for IFMA:Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms. Also check out the BM 59 kits and complete rifles out there. It washis lobbyist whostood aside on a bill that rations everyday Illinoisans to nine firearm transfers per year. What gets me is there has been plenty of time and opportunity for damage control or to save face but they havent done anything to fix what theyve done. 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Like the Mini-14 be put out of stock owner in the loop on these negotiations do a little digging you... Bolt-Action rifles, and we will not be a well-engineered Carbine ready work... You buy one ex-MD ) and Remington ( ex-NY ) make your statements look foolish but its just.. Were available from the mouth of bill Ruger will find they were living in the cart at buds ready buy... Bizapedia reports that the IFMA was dissolved move in a buyers market, or is still. Illinois manufacturers Association will continue to draw a paycheck and keep on going, right from same. Somewhere that there is a crime if youre looking for a cheap AR-15, and. I belong to business for their treachery but want to pretend they did not been...

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what happened to rock river arms

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