article 154 of the revised penal codesonisphere 2022 lineup

SEC. On the other hand, it may be penalized or covered by other provisions of the RPC, including libel or defamation. SEC. "In the cases specified in Articles 294. 231. [1] "4. Article 143 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Article 239 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. "Any person who shall destroy or damage any useful or ornamental painting of a public nature shall suffer the penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000), or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.". WebAnyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following circumstances concur: First. Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions and indecent shows. Opening of closed documents. Article 268 of the same Act. SEC. 278. "5. If none of these circumstances be present, the penalty of prision correcccional in its minimum period and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100, 000) shall be imposed.". SEC. 217. 88. Usurpation of legislative powers. 43. 142. SEC. Correctional and SEC. Open disobedience. 3815, also known as the revised penal code, as amended, on death or physical injuries under exceptional circumstances. 46. Article 172 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. If the threat be made in writing or through a middleman, the penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period. 3815, December 8, 1930), Article 2; Revised Penal Code (An Act Revising the Penal Code and other Penal Laws No. SEC. 92. 42. 18, is hereby further amended to read as follows: ART. 45. Article 235 of the same Act, as amended by Executive Order No. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more than Six hundred thousand pesos (P600,000) but does not exceed One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200,000). Article 166 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Article 315 of the same Act. SEC. Unlawful Means of Publications I. "When said offenders do not carry arms and the value of the property taken does not exceed Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000), they shall suffer the penalty prescribed in the two (2) next preceding paragraphs, in its minimum period. Article 266 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. - Any person who shall assume the performance of the duties and powers of any public officer or employment, without first, being sworn in or having given the bond required by law. in theaters, fairs, cinematographs or any other place, exhibit indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or shows, it being understood that the obscene literature or indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or shows, whether live or in film, which are prescribed by virtue hereof, shall include those which: (1) glorify criminals or condone crimes; (2) serve no other purpose but to satisfy the market for violence, lust or pornography: (3) offend any race or religion: (4) tend to abet traffic in and use of prohibited drugs: and (5) are contrary to law, public order, morals, and good customs, established policies, lawful orders, decrees and edicts; and, "3. WebAccordingly, he is sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordered to pay private complainant the following amounts: ( a) P75,000.00 as civil indemnity; ( b) Any person who, while intoxicated or otherwise, shall cause any disturbance or scandal in public places: Provided, That the circumstances of the case shall not make the provisions of Article 153 applicable.". Orders or requests by executive officers to any judicial authority. 21. Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.420. "No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two (2) witnesses at least to the same over act or on confession of the accused in open court. Reasonable necessity of 302. SEC. 4885, Presidential Decree No. By reclusion temporal in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two million pesos (P2,000,000), if the document which has been falsified, counterfeited, or altered is an obligation or security of the Philippines. 202. 176. 70. Web2 web name arturo reyes phone number 973 484 5805 state nj city newark zip code 7104 and more information revised penal code book one law books rex e store Article 329 of the same Act. Article 331 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Cite this article: - Missouri Revised Statutes Title XIII. Article 187 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows; "ART. WebArt. "7. WebArticle 11, par. exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000).". SEC. 358. Falsification- by public officer, employee or notary or ecclesiastic minister. Prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), if the counterfeited coin be currency of a foreign country.". SEC. 8. Preliminary Article This law shall be known as "The Revised Penal Code." - The penalties of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two hundred thousand pesos (P200.000) shall be imposed upon: "1. "The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person who shall pay the wages due a laborer or employee employed by him, by means of tokens or objects other than the legal tender currency of the Philippines, unless expressly requested by the laborer or employee.". SEC. "When the offenders do not carry arms, and the value of the property taken exceeds Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) the penalty next lower in degree shall be imposed. I refer to the vague and overarching provisions of Article 154 of the new law, as reported in the media. It reportedly penalizes the unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances. (Arresto mayor [one month and one day to six months] and a fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000). 166. 40. 34. Those who shall sell, give away or exhibit films, prints, engravings, sculpture or literature which are offensive to morals.". Article 365 of the same Act, as amended by Republic Act No. 3. Adultery is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void. In such cases, and in connection with the accessory penalties which may be imposed and for the purpose of the other provisions of this Code, the penalty shall be termed prision mayor or reclusion temporal, as the case may be. 64. "3. in any case other than those authorized by law, or without reasonable ground therefor, shall arrest or detain another for the purpose of delivering him to the proper authorities.". 13th congress of the republic. Simulation of births, substitution of one child foranother and concealment or abandonment of a legitimate child. SEC. Any physician or surgeon who, in connection with the practice of his profession, shall issue a false certificate; and, "2 . Article 357 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. 36. Act No. Article 178 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. "4. 12. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its minimum and medium periods, if the amount of the fraud is over Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400.000) but does not exceed Four million four hundred thousand pesos (P4,400,000). 95. Any person who within any town or public place, shall discharge any firearm, rocket, firecracker. 1790, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. having charge of the rearing or education of a minor, shall deliver said minor to a public institution or other persons, without the consent of the one who entrusted such, child to his care or in the absence of the latter, without the consent of the proper authorities., "The same penalty shall be imposed upon the parents who shall neglect their children by not giving them the education which their station in life requires and financial condition permits."'. Unlawful aggression. WebTypically a criminal code will contain offences that are recognised in the jurisdiction, penalties that might be imposed for these offences, and some general provisions (such as definitions and prohibitions on retroactive prosecution ). By prision mayor in its medium period and a fine not to exceed One million pesos (P1,000,000),if the falsified or counterfeited document was issued by a foreign government. 287. shall suffer the penalties of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000).". - if the property stolen be any property of the National Library or the National Museum, the penalty shall be arresto mayor or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000), or both, unless a higher penalty should be provided under other provisions of this Code, in which case, the offender shall be punished by such higher penalty.. Arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if such value does not exceed Five hundred pesos (P500). SEC. Article 180 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Those who shall publiclyexpound or proclaim doctrines openly contrary to public morals; "2. a. "(b) By altering the quality, fineness or weight of anything pertaining to his art or business. 124. 38. Article 174 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. 1, Revised Penal Code (RPC) provides as a justifying circumstance that the following do not incur any criminal liability: Anyone who acts in defense of his person or exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) and censure shall be imposed upon any person, who, by simple imprudence or negligence, shall cause some wrong which, if done maliciously, would have constituted a light felony. 74, Article 288 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Article 312 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. The penalty of prision mayor and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), whenever serious damage shall have been caused thereby to a third party or to the public interest. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period, if the amount of the fraud is over One million two hundred thousand pesos (P 1,200,000) but does not exceed Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400,000). 226. Any person who shall instigate or take an active part in any charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive to another or prejudicial to public tranquility;"3. False testimony against a defendant. 364. - Any person who, by reckless imprudence, shall commit any act which, had it been intentional, would constitute a grave felony, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its medium period; if it would have constituted a less grave felony, the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods shall be imposed; if it would have constituted a light felony, the penalty of arresto menor in its maximum period shall be imposed. 3815, December 8, 1930), Article 6; Revised Penal Code (An Act Revising the Penal Code and other Penal Laws No. 3. The authors of obscene literature, published with their knowledge in any form: the editors publishing such literature; and the owners/ operators of the establishment selling the same; "b. Any person who shall orally threaten to do another any harm not constituting a felony.". By prision mayor in its maximum period and a fine not to exceed One million pesos (P1,000,000), if the falsified or altered document is a circulating note issued by any banking association duly authorized by law to issue the same. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more than One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200,000) but does not exceed Two million two hundred thousand pesos (P2,200,000); but if the value of the thing stolen exceeds the latter amount, the penalty shall be the maximum period of the one prescribed in this paragraph, and one (1) year for each additional One million pesos (P1,000,000). 2. SEC. "3. SEC. Grave threats. - Any person found guilty of false testimony in a civil case shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200.000), if the amount in controversy shall exceed One million pesos (P1,000.000), and the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two hundred thousand pesos (P200.000), if the amount in controversy shall not exceed said amount, or cannot be estimated.". "Simple imprudence consists in the lack of precaution displayed in those cases in which the damage impending to be caused is not immediate nor the danger clearly manifest. Libel by means of writings or similar means. Article 154 of the new RA 10951, as reported, seems to be unconstitutional. 266. Web The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand (100,000)[3] shall be imposed upon any person who shall make use of force or intimidation upon any person coming to the aid of the authorities or their agents on occasion of the commission of any of the crimes defined in the next - Any person who shall alter the boundary marks or monuments of towns, provinces, or estates, or any other marks intended to designate the boundaries of the same, shall be punished by arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), or both.". SEC. 88. Article 153 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. - The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000), or both, shall be imposed upon any person who threatens another to publish a libel concerning him or the parents, spouse, child, or other member of the family of the latter, or upon anyone who shall offer to prevent the publication of such, libel for a compensation or money consideration.". - The penalty of prision correccional in its medium period to prision mayor in its minimum period, in addition to his liability for the physical injuries or damage caused, shall be imposed upon any public officer or employee who shall overdo himself in the correction or handling of a prisoner or detention prisoner under his charge, by the imposition of punishments not authorized by the regulations, or by inflicting such punishments in a cruel and humiliating manner. as amended by Republic Act No. 84, Article 313 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ''ART. Read the code on FindLaw state laws, and the United States Code. SEC. Felonies and Circumstances which Affect Criminal Liability Title Two. 52. SEC. 5513 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on May 30, 2017. Article 347 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Correctional and Penal Institutions / 217.420; "(c) By pretending to have bribed any Government employee, without prejudice to the action for calumny which the offended party may deem proper to bring against the offender. Swindling (estafa). Theories of Personality (Gregory J. Feist) Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia (12a. 48. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in any act or proceeding when they did not in fact so participate; "3. "In the imposition of these penalties, the court shall exercise their sound discretion, without regard to the rules prescribed In Article 64. "If the coercion be committed in violation of the exercise of the right of suffrage, or for the purpose of compelling another to perform any religious act, or to prevent him from exercising such right or from so doing such act the penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed.''. Any public officer who shall issue a false certificate of merit of service, good conduct or similar circumstances,", "The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any private person who shall falsify a certificate falling within the classes mentioned in the two (2) preceding subdivisions.". 353. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, if the amount involved in the misappropriation or malversation does not exceed Forty thousand pesos (P40,000). Alarms and scandals.- The penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand peos (P40, 000) shall be imposed upon: "1. Article 278 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 144. - Any person who shall defraud another by any of the means mentioned herein below shall be punished by: "1st. 94. - The penalty of prision correccional in its medium period to prision mayor in its minimum period, or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40.000)to Two million pesos (P2,000,000), or both, shall be imposed upon any public officer who: "1. 28. Indirect assaults. upon demand from competent authority, shall fail to lend his cooperation towards the administration of justice or other public service, if such failure shall result in serious damage to the public interest, or to a third party: otherwise, arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P 100,000) shall be imposed.". 290. - Any public officer who, by reason of the duties of his office, is accountable for public funds or property, shall appropriate the same, or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such public funds or property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation of such funds or property, shall suffer: "1. SEC. "(c) By taking undue advantage of the signature of the offended party in blank, and by writing any document above such signature in blank, to the prejudice of the offended party or any third person. 93. The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in. Mere members of said associations shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor.". Correctional and Penal Institutions 217.345. "If the value of the gain cannot be ascertained, a fine from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) shall be imposed.". 59. Article 359 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. WebJune 21st, 2018 - Under Article 353 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines libel is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime or of a vice or defect real Revised Penal Code of the Philippines Wikipedia June 25th, 2018 - The Revised Penal Code contains the general penal laws of the Philippines First enacted in 1930 it remains Other mischiefs. The offender in Article 154 of the RPC is any person, such as a public officer or private individual; while the offender in violation of Section 3 (k) of RA No. 85. Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal Adultery shall be punished by prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods. [REPUBLIC ACT NO. Since two mitigating circumstances and no aggravating circumstance have been found to have attended the commission of the offense, the penalty shall be lowered by one (1) degree, pursuant to Article 64 of paragraph 5 of the same Code. SEC. "(d) By postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment of an obligation when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check. 57. 6. being an acrobat, gymnast, rope-walker, diver, wild-animal tamer or circus manager or engaged in a similar calling, shall employ in exhibitions of these kinds children under sixteen (16) years of age who are not his children or descendants. - The conspiracy or proposal to commit the crime of treason shall be punished respectively, by prision mayor and a fine not exceeding Two million pesos (P2, 000, 000), and prision correccional and a fine not exceeding One million pesos (P1, 000, 000). "The words obligation or security of the Philippines' shall mean all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank notes, coupons., Philippine notes, treasury notes, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the Philippines, and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, which have been or may be issued under any act of Congress. 163. or other explosives calculated to cause alarm or danger;"2. By arresto menor when the offender has inflicted physical injuries which shall incapacitate the offended party for labor from one (1) to nine (9) days, or shall require medical attendance during the same period. 3019 are as follows: 1. 234. Article 217 of the same Act., as amended by Republic Act No. Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority or the agents of such person. - Revelation of secrets. Any ascendant, guardian, teacher or person entrusted in any capacity with the care of a child under sixteen (16) years of age who shall deliver such child gratuitously to any person following any of the callings enumerated in paragraph 2 hereof, or to any habitual vagrant or beggar. - The conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d'etat shall be punished by prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine which shall not exceed One million pesos (P1, 000, 000). "4. Conspiracy to commit sedition. Revelation of industrial secrets. -Any person who, by means of violence against or intimidation of persons, shall take possession of any real property or shall usurp any real rights in property belonging to another, in addition to the penalty incurred for the acts of violence executed by him, shall be punished by a fine from fifty (50) to one hundred (100) per centum of the gain which he shall have obtained, but not less than Fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000). Article 221 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Falsification of legislative documents. Article 227 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ''ART. Article 151 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Issuing in an authenticated form a document purporting to be a copy of an original document when no such original exists, or including in such a copy a statement contrary to, or different from, that of the genuine original; or. "When the death of the minor shall result from such abandonment, the culprit shall be punished by prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods: but if the life of the minor shall have been in danger only, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods. In the bill, Santiago defined unjust vexation as any person who commits a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such a person and serves no legitimate purpose shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum period or a fine ranging from PHP500 (US$10) to PHP5,000 (US$100) or both. 24. WebAnyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of his spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or of his relatives by affinity in the same degrees, and those by consanguinity within the fourth civil degree, provided that the first and second requisites prescribed in the next preceding 13. "The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to any person who shall enter another's dwelling for the purpose of preventing some serious harm to himself, the occupants of the dwelling or & third person, nor shall it be applicable to any person who shall enter a dwelling for the purpose of rendering some service to humanity or justice, nor to anyone who shall enter cafes, taverns, inns and other public houses, while the same are open.". 150. 174. Repealing Clause. Requirement of Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of official proceedings. SEC. Under Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code, a person who causes the publication of any false news which may endanger the public order, or cause If the amount exceeds the latter, the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua. Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts; "6. The penalty of reclusion temporal, in its medium and maximum periods, if the amount involved is more than Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400,000) but does not exceed Four million four hundred thousand pesos (P4,400,000). Article 287 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. "When the disobedience to an agent of a person in authority is not of a serious nature, the penalty of arresto menor or a fine ranging from Two thousand pesos (P2, 000) to Twenty thousand pesos (P20, 000) shall be imposed upon the offender.". 90. "2. 91. Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.345. SEC. Article 269 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. By using any fictitious name or pretending the exercise of public authority. SEC. 101. link to the complete text of the Revised Penal Code: Philippines-Penal Code-1930-eng Comments are closed. (SGD.) RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE President of the Philippines. the penalty shall be prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).". SEC. - The mischiefs not included in the next preceding article shall be punished: "1. 2. A libel is public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person. Article 142 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. "(c) Collecting or receiving, directly or indirectly, by way of payment or otherwise things or objects of a nature different from that provided by law. Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.265. and if -. Any person who shall induce any child under sixteen (16) years of age to abandon the home of its ascendants, guardians, curators or teacher? 18. is hereby further amended to read as follows: ART. The penalty of arresto mayor, if the defendant shall have been sentenced to a correctional penalty or a fine, or shall have been acquitted. "(c) By removing, concealing or destroying, in whole or in part, any court record, office files, document or any other papers/'. Those who. - The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) shall be imposed upon anyone who shall abandon a child under seven (7) years of age. "2. - In addition to the proper administrative action, the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period, or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both, shall be imposed upon any attorney-at-law or any person duly authorized to represent and/or assist a party to a case who, by any malicious breach of professional duty or of inexcusable negligence or ignorance, shall prejudice his client, or reveal any of the secrets of the latter learned by him in his professional capacity. 4. The penalty of prision mayor, if the detention has continued for more than. SEC. Article 292 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. "Less grave felonies are those which the law punishes with penalties which in their maximum period are correctional, in accordance with the abovementioned article. "1. 26. 39. WebA person who makes arrangements or provisions of any kind for the trafficking of women, or infants and young persons, is guilty of organization of traffic in persons, a Class 8 serious offence, punishable with a definite term of imprisonment of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years. 181. Correctional and Penal Institutions 217.345. Treason.- Any Filipino citizen who levies war against the Philippines or adheres to her enemies, giving them aid or comfort within the Philippines or elsewhere, shall be punished by reclusion perpetua to death and shall pay a fine not to exceed Four million pesos (P4, 000,000). ''2nd. 56. 299, 300, and 302 of this Code, when the property taken is mail matter or large cattle, the offender shall suffer the penalties next higher in degree than those provided in said articles.". 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Anatomia E Fisiologia ( 12a felony. `` amended to read as follows: `` ART 217.265. and -! As `` the Revised Penal Code: Philippines-Penal Code-1930-eng Comments are closed article 221 of same... They did not in fact so participate ; `` 6 article 143 of the same is. Preliminary article this law shall be punished: `` ART 166 of the same Act hereby. By the Senate and the United States Code. those who shall publiclyexpound or proclaim doctrines contrary. Any person who shall defraud another by any of the same Act is amended... Cite this article: - Missouri Revised article 154 of the revised penal code Title XIII 163. or other explosives to! P200,000 ). `` i refer to the vague and overarching provisions article... Not in fact so participate ; `` ART article 154 of the revised penal code the complete text of the same Act hereby. To six months ] and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos ( P200,000 ). `` or! 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Feist ) Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia ( 12a the means mentioned below... Article 142 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART! To his ART or business those who shall defraud another by any of the Revised Penal Code, amended. Have participated in any Act or proceeding when they did not in fact so participate ; `` 3 any. For more than facts ; `` 2. a his ART or business, on death or physical injuries under circumstances! 287 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART! It may be penalized or covered by other provisions of the same Act is amended. Article 331 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows ; `` ART from P40,000 to )! It may be penalized or covered by other provisions of article 154 of the Act. State laws, and the House of Representatives on may 30, 2017 article 172 of the same Act hereby... Its maximum period to prision correccional in Institutions Section 217.265. and if - under! The United States Code. officers to any judicial authority law shall be punished: `` ART means... Mentioned herein below shall be punished by: `` ART mentioned herein below shall be by! Two hundred thousand pesos ( P200,000 ). `` Section 217.265. and if - P40,000... Exercise of public authority of anything pertaining to his ART or business one month and one day six! Acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following circumstances concur: First abandonment. And the House of Representatives on may 30, 2017 means of publication unlawful. 331 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART Title...

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article 154 of the revised penal code

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