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Women having a desire to marry, they will kill that desire. Marine Spirits because are associated with Water bodies, it has in its kingdom count less workings and signs. Our content is under copyright law. What about Good Spirits? My soul, praise the Lord! The eyes never get tired of looking. Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits. I dont have to be good looking, smart, rich or famous. Marine spirits operates when people consciously and unconsciously commit sexual sin. Maintain evil altars from where they launch their attacks. Pollute people through sex and other avenues. Are you experiencing constant sleepless night? All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). 5. Thereby the Marine Kingdom is extensive and has its tentacles in each city, town and villages. How excellent indeed is your name O Lord. These Demon spirits are called "Aquarius spirits" or "Marine spirits". As a result of this, family members are dedicated to them. you are purging when you are doing a lot of spittingthose sensation are a demonic presence attach to that personthey need deliverance. 9. Wow! Ironic part is God has used me to deliver 6 people and yet I am still struggling. 8. When you read Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 there seems to be a gap. Pornography breeds lust of eyes that simply led to Adultery and Fornication of the Mind. 250 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST INHERITED FAMILY BATTLES. They are very powerful over their evil abilities and can greatly influence your dreams. 6. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. When Satan controls individuals with unclean spirits, he can also operate in all spheres where those individuals are active. 8. 10. However, I need to inform you that Psalm 44 91 and 94 will solve your problems, but it is imperatively important to cut tights with sins and lots of others things mentioned in this article. Handmaids Tale instructions isnt it Godly? They are extremely stubborn, aggressive, and dangerous. Thank you for watching & sharing, THE AGAPEKIND MINISTRY, Equiping. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. It fights any human being who attempts to be in love with you. Video: We were made by God for God, effectively, we are his play dough, Video: How Peter Johnsons deliverance ministry started, Video: Healing of guilt, shame and rejection by Derek Prince. In these highly speculative spiritual approaches, demons are considered the cause of almost every malady, particularly spiritual ones. They are the enemy with killer motives; they kill your joy, peace, health, calling in life, virtue, marriages, etc. These are the heavenlies, the earth, and the waters. 8. Interesting! Blood of Jesus, Fire of God flush out marine waters from my body, in Jesus name. Obtaining oxygen. Characteristics of a Marine Biome. The poem is largely the story of how, while sailing in Antarctic waters, the Mariner killed the albatross, and then how both nature and the supernatural rose up against him and his shipmates, until the Mariner comes to recognize that all of God's creatures are beautiful and must be treated with reverence. 2. These include demonic barbers, pastors, priests, kings, etc. These are Spirits who know you personally from the physical world, including pets and relatives from before you were born. Getting enough light. This spirit's ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralize the prophet because a discerning leader is its greatest enemy. Amen. :od brin2s the hidden thin2s to li2ht. . Its a habitation where devil worshippers and devil agents mostly live and from which they affect the natural realm. Hi Lloyd there is a teacher his name is Baruch Korman. (Note a prostitute is anyone using their body for material gain. Leviathan is more than a sea monster, he is a principality. Ok Jason, why dont you start a ministry and show us all how its supposed to be done. Many Persistently Wrong Things That Happens In Peoples Lives Are Answerable To An Understanding of DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE . It fell into the hands of marine powers because it was not properly disposed of. He Is The Founding Pastor of Ark of Greatness International, "The Winning Church," commissioned to "RAISE STRONG AND MATURE BELIEVERS WHO TAKE GENERATIONAL TERRITORIES FOR CHRIST, BY HIS WORD AND BY HIS HOLY SPIRIT". A Spiritual Vampire often feels abandoned or rejected by family or society. kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". will also share what I experienced after reading one of his books. The Jezebel spirit attacks, dominates or manipulates, especially male authority. The Philistines worshipped a god called DAGON, that was shaped after the Mermaid Half Human and Half Fish. Prayers and fasting become very difficult. For God says in Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. It is the spirit of mankind that Jesus concerns, not the flesh. Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. They are very subtle and deceptive. "The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. Did he rule before? Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! 12. 2 Uncontrollable Masturbation Urges and Acts. Video: Human and dinosaur footprints in rock disproves evolution, Video: Tiny orbs of light appeared while we were expelling spirits, Video: I was saw and felt the heat of Hell, Video: God warned her about her gay lifestyle. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me. If Paul was speaking to all women then it would mean he either was a false Apostle, someone added to hisRead more . They are similar and work together. Today, O Lord, visit all enemies from the marine and water kingdom with thunder, storm, tempest, and flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus. This is what is called collective captivity where members of a particular family experience the same problems and bondages. Anything programmed into my life from the waters, jump out and backfire. And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? This is referring to the particular church. Revelation 12:12, Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Thank you this is very helpful. There was no church building. Shalom. That would be usurping the role of the what God wants men to do. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. If he didnt annoint her with known and wisdom, he wouldnt have permitted her to have that appointment. They are very possessive, and their only intent is the utter destruction and death of all they marry through ungodly covenants. They use marine chains and padlocks to chain and padlock different areas of a persons life and destiny. Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; [2] The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. Then say this, Father in heaven, Im your child. You will not see me then. What about those marine spirit demons? The interactions of these spirit spouses are not limited to dreams alone. FACTS ABOUT WATER & MARINE SPIRITS 1. 5. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. Wearing of ornaments whose sources one cannot explain. 19. Please explain Sir Lloyd. Either snake spirits but more likely to be a lucifer spirit. They control and regulate nations, families, and individuals. Sex in the dreamPlease find below the characteristics of Marine SpiritsMarine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spiritsMarine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victimsMarine Spirits come in the form of beautiful ladies and they work with a purpose in mindMarine Spirits are always materialisticMarine Spirits can make victim wealthy . You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. Sloth, one of the seven deadly sins. 4. 9All this I will give you, he said, if you will bow down and worship me.. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire. The Zidonians as I have pointed out were connected to marine Spirits by their goddess worship of Ashtoreth. I think it doesnt matter if the sickness is demonic or not. They show up in the dream to deal mercilessly with victims. ), (hand all your fears to God continually, all day everyday), (demons happen when we dont hand our fears and pain to Jesus), (focus on relationship with God, not on us and things in our lives. Seeing marine animals in your dream such as crocodile, water turtles, crabs, and serpents 8 TheRead more . Imagining the presence of a snake when alone. Regulating salt intake. 1. 11. Could you please explain further? It carries us through the challenges of combat and aids in overcoming fear. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims . Lloyd wasnt that scripture specifically referring to the female spirit of Jezebel? Repent and restitute if necessary. Psalm 24:2, For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. o Love it when you are down o and hate it when you prosper 4. and also the Bermuda triangle and the other Deep Sea Hole are its working., Psalm 104:26, There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein., Isaiah 27:1, that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.. What would the feeling of a serpent crawling up your leg be a spirit of? Marine powers possess and use serious monitoring and surveillance powers. It would be beneficial for interpretation of scripture through context listen to his teachings. We just need to learn how to take the Authority that Jesus gives to us and utilize it properly. SYMPTOMS OF MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS ATTACK. 7. 8hese spirits liFe to remain and operate in the darF. This feeds the stream of so-called deliverance . While distilled using similar methods, each is unique in flavor, and there are distinct styles within each category. 24. [a] It was the woman who was tricked and became a sinner. There are terrible witchcraft activities against people, communities, and even countries, in the marine world. Be careful okay. They have very well organized networks that can infiltrate anywhere. Cause delay and difficulty in getting married and failure in earthly marriage. WOW!!!! Dreams of Receiving Money from a very Beautiful Woman or Man. "Then I stood on the sand of the sea. 3. What does it mean if during deliverance, a person feels need to keep spitting, and their hands begin to tingle and burn, and fingers become very stiff, tense, and closed/bent/distorted? 33 Prayer Points for Powerful Men + Scriptures, Prayer Against Satanic Control of Spiritual Gates. I wondered where I picked up these Demons, one talked to me while I was half asleep and tried to show me things. These demonic spirits affect people and keep men and women from marrying. This demonic Principality is a King Demon that lives beneath the seas. According to Gods word, Masturbation and Withdrawal are both one: Genesis 38:9-10, And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brothers wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. Marine agents steal precious things from people and they operate very fast. Philippians 4: 2-3, Why are we glorifying humans? We are only servants of God who helped you believe. You can watch our Deliverances here, (deliverance videos). They cause marital confusion.always confusion in your marriage if you do get to have a physical marriage. And Queen of India Sea is the head of the marine kingdom. Elijah wants to die when he comes under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel. When you wake up, you are tired because spiritually they were using you. A mermaid's home is the ocean, an endless underwater world. Spirit husband 8. As its the End times, the Devils falling is primarily upon two Habitations of men: A)Earth. SEERS? 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. How can we discern? So empowering! v Several so called churches and ministers derive their power from the marine world. These demonic marine spirits are Fashion, Entertainment Industry, and Commerce. Mami Wata is often portrayed as a mermaid, a snake charmer, or a combination of both. Dream of Playing with snakes and the presence of frogs in ones dream. They will take away your glory and prosperity. The man is the head of the home and we all are the church. Ruth, Rachel,Read more . You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. 12. Have you ever thought out the Bermuda Triangle? Once they know that the doors are open they quickly come in and steal. Your dream should b Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. It stops the anointing from flowing and therefore blocks the Spirit of God from moving. 4. If it werent for the women in the Bible Moses would not have lived. o 85% of the world is water Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest. Its the Spirit behind the rise of the most hated bloodlines of men before God. 24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Ready to change fully? These Enchantments range from visible to invisible objects and witchcraft workings. 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion,[b] help these women, who have labored[c] side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. Observation signs of marine spirits (symptoms): 1. The water frontier as the biggest hiding of Forces and Kingdoms of the Devil is a big band of Evil Spirits, witches, warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, mediums, spiritists and devil agents of other classes. Dream of swimming in the water, meaning your fire has gone down and they have succeeded in reinitiating and rededicating you. They can even make a person to go insane. There is normally a queen in the water that is worshipped such as Yemoja which means mother of the children of the fish, Olokun, which means mother of the sea, and others. Depression is another. Often, they will make single people take on a false repelling demeanor so that anyone interested in pursuing them will either slowly or suddenly lose interest. This class of demons are responsible for all the whoredom our world is living with today. Prostitutes are heavily used as strong bait to entangle their target. Not all beauty products of men and women are demonic, the issue here is, Marine Agents cast Invocations, Conjurations and Curses on such objects and things, and when used they open ways of Marine initiation. I love you Lord. Jezebel is a spirit. Fear of Water, i.e. A rich array of arts surrounds her, as well as a host of other aquatic spirits--all honoring the essential, sacred nature of water. We should exercise dominion in all three realms because God has given us dominion over the works of His hands. 19. This realm of Marine Spirits is a realm important to Fetish priests, Occult followers, Satanic worshippers and Wealth seekers of Dead persons via mediums or spiritists. I have been under severe oppression and possession for a very long time. These spirits oppress men and women. Own by dk olukoya. If you are experiencing financial issues, there is absolutely no need to send gifts or seed money to us. The Crow. 20. With good Christian friends I was told to take authority and tell her no, I wont look. Terrible dreams attacks including sex in the dream. It leads to spiritual and then natural Death. 8he$ seduce and motivate people to sin and en2a2e in acts of rebellion. His ministry is understanding of scripture comes from knowing the language of Hebrew and Greek.He also works with Derek Prince ministries. In the name of Jesus, I have Calvary dominion over all things in the heavens, in the earth, under the water in the name of Jesus. They also have prisons and courts under the water where they imprison their victims and issue judgment on them. You stubborn marine spirit spouse, be separated from me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. The marine Kingdom tends to be controlling to all that is marine Connected. 4 People die and are buried. Many creationists have attributed this to a water vapor canopy that was created by God on the second day, the waters above the firmament (Genesis 1:7). This puts to death the lie told that women cant preach/teach. Many have made trans- generational covenants with these powers. Matthew 10:16. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits 15. Sex has powerful spiritual results. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God[a] in heaven. For example: 2 Kings 2:19-21, And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. Every evil done against me by marine witchcraft be reversed by the blood of Jesus. 1. Im asking the same. Video: Are you sick and tired of the cycle of temptation and sin? It is why God said it was for marriage only and the Spirit World knows this, using mans ignorance to this for demonic possession and affliction through spirit spouses. Or someone prophesying to youNO! And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and. 7 So the one who plants is not important, and the one who waters is not important. . Though they openly can be seen from either Art, Imagery, Idols and even products associated either with Water, Heavenlies or Oceans. Hello! 5. This is why its best to deal and destroy these marine spirits without compromise. 2 Spiritual Manifestations Ask God what he wants you to do and ask him to help you do what you have to do. appreciate your humble reply. They inhabit and live in these Areas. 23. 7. Your mother worshipped them while pregnant with you. This is why when the Devil in prophesy of John is cast down from Heaven, he comes directly, one upon the Land with the Beast that came up from the land, two upon the Seas with the Beast that came up from Seas. 9. This goes on indefinitely until you renounce it and separate yourself from the evil umbrella that is covering your whole family line. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER. Its a realm split into two Divisions. Leviathan is a predator spirit, when he captures his prey, he doesn't allow him or her to go easily. Breaking of Other peoples marriage and be without remorse. It fights tooth and nail to keep you as its own forever. 2. This is an example of the forms of Marine Enchantments that are put there. Marine spirits is a phrase used in some expressions of the Charismatic faith, and it's associated with beliefs related to demonic oppression and possession. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. And Ephesians 5 about husbands and wives. A marine strongman may be a serpent. Bathed with polluted waters at birth or with concoctions from the waters Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you. I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. Hi Danielle: I have fought all kinds of wars in the arcane and I can tell you that I understand your point of view. These include the following: 5. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. They will make you hate the person you are to marry. They are part of the water kingdom and are beautiful yet very dangerous creatures. Please reload the page and try again. Thanks for devoting your time to helping the body of Chris. Thanks, bro Llyod. 18. I.E. 1 Corinthians 3:5-8 Easy-to-Read Version 5 Is Apollos so important? 1 Corinthians 11:3 New King James Version (NKJV). 4. They are persistent, always working, so they dont offend Satan. They are productive, meaning they want to control all of your life in order to destroy you not just stopping at a percent of your life. Marine Spirits And Marine Witchcraft are deceiving, subtle and at most unrecognizable until one is shown or revealed by the Spirit Of God. John 16:8-10 Easy-to-Read Version 8 When the Helper comes, he will show the people of the world how wrong they are about sin, about being right with God, and about judgment. Look at the book of Proverbs 6:25, Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.. But is it okay for a woman to be a leader or elder in the church but not to preach? Contact me at [emailprotected] and Ill send you a zoom link. Please call: +2348099828623. 2 Unconscious Marine Agents or People. Hi, Psalm 146 Praise the Lord! The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. Prayers The ladies were very disturbing and disruptive. The story of our key text about the serpent bites illustrates two aspects of the nature of sin. There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVES. The presence of frogs in ones dream emailprotected ] and Ill send you a zoom link, someone to. That would be beneficial for interpretation of scripture through context listen to his teachings your field characteristics of marine spirits seed., it has in its kingdom count less workings and signs of demons are responsible for the! 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characteristics of marine spirits

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